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Behrang Dehkordi

The Biomechanics of Soccer: Understanding the Science Behind the Beautiful Game

Soccer is a sport that captivates millions with its dynamic movements and skillful plays. Behind every precise pass, powerful shot, and acrobatic save lies a complex interplay of biomechanical principles. In this article, we'll explore the science behind some of the key movements in soccer, shedding light on how players can optimize their performance and reduce injury risks.

The Art and Science of Kicking

At the heart of soccer lies the fundamental skill of kicking. Whether it's a long-range pass, a curling free kick, or a powerful shot on goal, understanding the biomechanics of kicking can help players improve their technique and effectiveness.


The Approach- The approach to the ball is crucial for generating power and accuracy. Research suggests that an approach angle of approximately 45 degrees is optimal. This angle allows for greater hip rotation, increasing the striking surface area of the foot and potentially leading to faster ball speeds. However, players must be cautious not to over-rotate, as this can put excessive stress on the knee and hip joints.

The Plant Foot- Proper placement of the supporting foot is essential for directional control and stability. The plant foot should be positioned next to the ball, with its exact location determining the trajectory of the kick. A foot placed too wide can result in a sliced kick, while a foot too close to the ball may cause a hooked trajectory.


The Kicking Motion- The kicking action itself involves a complex sequence of joint movements:

1.   Hip flexion: The forward motion of the thigh is a primary contributor to foot speed and ball velocity.

  1. Knee extension: As the leg swings forward, the knee extends rapidly, transferring energy to the foot.

  2. Ankle plantarflexion: Just before impact, the ankle locks to create a rigid lever for maximum force transfer to the ball.

The principle of summation of speed comes into play here, with the sequential activation of larger to smaller body segments (hip to knee to ankle) maximizing the end velocity of the foot.


The Follow-through- Often overlooked, the follow-through is crucial for both power generation and injury prevention. A proper follow-through maintains contact with the ball for a longer duration, increasing the impulse applied to the ball. Additionally, it allows for a gradual deceleration of the leg, reducing the risk of muscle strains.

Running and Sprinting Biomechanics

Soccer players cover an average of 10-12 kilometers or 6-7 miles per match, making efficient running mechanics essential for performance and endurance.

Stride Length and Frequency- Optimal running speed is achieved through a balance of stride length and frequency. As players transition from jogging to sprinting, both stride length and frequency increase. However, there's a point of diminishing returns where further increases in stride length can reduce speed due to overstriding.


Arm Action- While often neglected in training, arm action plays a crucial role in running efficiency. The arms act as counterbalances to leg movements, helping to maintain balance and rhythm. Proper arm swing can also contribute to forward momentum, particularly during sprints.


Energy Conservation- Given the long duration of soccer matches, energy conservation is crucial. Efficient runners minimize vertical oscillation, keeping their center of mass relatively stable and lower to the ground to reduce unnecessary energy expenditure.

Jumping and Heading

Aerial duels are a common feature in soccer, requiring players to master the biomechanics of jumping and heading.


The Jump- A powerful jump involves rapid extension of the hips, knees, and

ankles, utilizing the stretch-shortening cycle to generate maximum force. The arms also play a role, swinging upward to aid in vertical displacement.


Heading Technique- Proper heading technique is not only crucial for performance but also for player safety. The neck muscles must be engaged to stabilize the head, reducing the risk of concussion. The forehead, not the top of the head, should make contact with the ball to ensure better control and power and also mitigate the risk for concussion.

Changing Direction and Agility

Soccer demands frequent changes of direction, making agility a key attribute for players.


Deceleration-Before changing direction, players must first decelerate. This involves lowering the center of mass and increasing ground contact time to generate the necessary braking forces.


Pivot and Push-off-The actual change of direction involves a rapid pivot on the plant foot, followed by a powerful push-off in the new direction. The ability to quickly transition from eccentric (braking) to concentric (accelerating) muscle actions is crucial for agility.

Injury Prevention Through Biomechanics

Understanding the biomechanics of soccer movements is not just about performance enhancement; it's also crucial for injury prevention.


ACL Injury Prevention- Non-contact ACL injuries are common in soccer. Biomechanical analysis has shown that proper landing mechanics, including soft landings with bent knees and hips, can significantly reduce the risk of ACL injuries.


Hamstring Strain Prevention- Hamstring strains often occur during the late swing phase of sprinting when the hamstrings are lengthening while contracting (eccentric contraction). Strengthening exercises focusing on eccentric hamstring contractions can help prevent these injuries.


Ankle Stability- Improving proprioception and strengthening the muscles around the ankle can enhance stability and reduce the risk of sprains, which are common in soccer due to the frequent changes of direction and uneven playing surfaces.


The biomechanics of soccer movements are complex and multifaceted. By understanding the underlying principles, players and coaches can work to optimize performance, enhance efficiency, and reduce injury risks. As sports science continues to advance, we can expect even more insights into the biomechanics of soccer, further elevating the beautiful game to new heights of performance and safety.





Lees A, Nolan L. The biomechanics of soccer: a review. J Sports Sci. 1998 Apr;16(3):211-34. doi: 10.1080/026404198366740. PMID: 9596356.


Lees A, Asai T, Andersen TB, Nunome H, Sterzing T. The biomechanics of kicking in soccer: a review. J Sports Sci. 2010 Jun;28(8):805-17. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2010.481305. PMID: 20509089.


Robinson P, White LM. The biomechanics and imaging of soccer injuries. Semin Musculoskelet Radiol. 2005 Dec;9(4):397-420. doi: 10.1055/s-2005-923382. PMID: 16315120.



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